Monday, December 12, 2011

The X-Chicks are getting a lift!

We are putting the final touches on the chicken coop that Will designed and built this summer.  We've learned a lot about chickens and working with them in a tractor (mobile coop).  The eat the grass quicker than we imagined!  I need to be able to move the coop daily so they have fresh grass and weeds to eat. 

We don't water our yard, we reserve water for the plants that feed us!  So, our yard had turned into a large dirt patch.  Several weeks ago, the kids and I threw out Oats, Wheat, Rye and other grains.  Instead of raking them in, I figured the grain seeds were getting good contact with the soil from all the kids running around on top of them.  Our yard is now covered in beautiful little green shoots from the grains and the chickens will be well fed this winter. 

We had to put the wheels on after dusk, when the hens were up in the roosting box asleep.  We wheeled them over to a lush area of growth so they'll have a nice breakfast in the morning.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

2011 Fall Garden

To celebrate my birthday this year several sweet friends came over to help me dig beds and create additional garden space in the back yard.  Last spring I started with about 40 square feet and slowly expanded throughout the Spring and Summer to a total of 150 square feet.  We dug 3 beds at 50 square feet each plus I added a Strawberry patch, a Rhubarb patch and an Asparagus patch as well as 50 square feet of space where cover crops are doing the work to break up the soil.  All in all, our garden is nearing 500 square feet.  Expanding our growing space was made possible in part by teaming up with the Sustainable Food Centers "Spread the Harvest" program.  I have access to free plants, compost and seeds as well as tools and books.  In return, I commit to growing a little extra and donating it to soup kitchens.  Growing healthy food for my family is fun and frugal but it's fulfilling to share our food with those who are hungry.  For me, it's soul care...from planting seeds to harvesting.

the lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.  you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (I. 58:11)

for as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the sovereign lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations. (I. 61:11)

Here's a list of what we are growing organically and locally on our "urban homestead:"
Cinnamon Basil
Lemon Basil
Chocolate Mint
4 varieties of tomatoes
5 varieties of peppers
Red Russian Kale
Broccoli (a few varieties)
Purple Kohlrabi
Mesclun Mix 
Butter crunch lettuce
Bib lettuce
Swiss Chard, red and yellow
Sugar Snap Peas
4 Blackberries, 2 varities (overwintering until spring) 
3 Fig trees (overwintering until spring)
Strawberries (overwintering with the hope for a thriving patch come spring)
Meyer Lemon (overwintering and looking forward to lemons!)
Asparagus (we planted 1 year old crowns and will start harvesting in 2 years)
Cover crops to break up clay soil (clovers, black oil seed radish)
Forage crops for the hens (oats, rye, wheat, millet - all spread around in the yard, they look like grass)

Fresh Eggs...if those hens out there would just get on the ball and start laying already!
We enjoy our chickens.  They eat weeds and provide high nitrogen fertilizer as well as eggs, in theory.  We've had them since July 4th.  One of the original four was a rooster, so he went back to the farm and we brought home two new hens.  It's taken a while but the two flocks seem to be getting along.  We've named the hens after female characters from the X-men comic books.  However, Adriaan had some input and decided one should be called "Bill" (not the rooster of course).  So, that hen is Rogue (aka Bill) Lafferty.  The others are Pheonix, Kitty-Pride...yeah, can't remember.  I need a refresher.  Perhaps I'll make an effort to remember their names when they start producing eggs!

Mustard Greens for dinner!
Will and Adriaan building the trellis for our Sugar Snap Peas
The Strawberry Patch, foreground!
So much Basil!

Next day we donated this to the Caritas and Salvation Army soup kitchens downtown.

Broccoli Greens, cutting them promotes head formation.
This season I have grown in courage to touch bugs.  I have been willing to actually remove cabbage lopers (little green inch worms) with my bare hands.  I take them from my broccoli plants and then toss them into the chicken coop.  The chickens go wild with delight!

All of the kids have been very helpful with this task.  They run back and forth from me to the coop with their hands gently cupped around a worm.  Dropping one is a such a sad thing, so they take extra care not to drop them.  They are my adorable little executioners, taking these plump worms to their death.  I have little compassion for these worms.  They live to eat holes in my beautiful broccoli leaves and then become moths who lay more eggs for additional hole eating worms.  Picking them off is super duper organic gardening by the way!

Perfectionism vs. Excellence

Ever since Chris Thurman, a psychologist, spoke at a recent MOPS meeting I've had these two words stuck in my head: Perfectionism and Excellence.  And, because the "worry and stress" that ate November has followed us into December I've been pondering these words as well as the word "should" and feeling overly anxious.

I feel so anxious at times that my stomach knots up.  Will showed me these verses:
Psalm 94:18-19 I said, I am falling; but your constant love, O Lord, held me up.  Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad.

Where will our new church home be?
Will we be a home school family next year?
Are we supposed to have any more children?

In Chris Thurman's talk he emphasized that a perfectionist uses the word "should" in their self talk because they are idealistic thinkers.  God calls us to excellence, to think about what is true, to be realistic thinkers.

Where will our church home be...I'm weary from transition...We've been living in a state of transition for the last nine years.  Here's the progression:
Are we going overseas?
Applied and denied.
Applied and accepted, enter into support raising mode.  Sell condo, move into disgusting duplex.  Will looses job, move in with family.
Move overseas and surprise, baby Ado is on the way.
We stay for two years instead of one.  Amsterdam is "The Black Hole of Lonliness" and I suffer through PPD with no treatment.
We move back to the US to raise more support to return to Amsterdam full-time.  Will travels all the time and I'm often a single parent feeling on the outside of our previous group of close friends.
We start attending a new church and develop meaningful relationships.
We decide to pursue adoption and get the call that they're ready for us...but surprise, we're 16 weeks pregnant with twins.
At 20 weeks we go to Amsterdam to evaluate if we feel called back with three small children.  There's a wounding conversation with someone I had trusted, realization that we won't thrive there...there's no goodbye and we decide not to go back.
Will's job situation is different now and it makes sense for us to switch churches again just weeks before the twins are born.
It had made sense to go back to our sending church because a few life long friends were still attending.  Then over time, they've left. 
I'm starting to feel like I'm in the "Black Hole of Loneliness" all over again.

On top of the stress and resulting fatigue of transition, I'm hearing the word "should" constantly with regard to home school...
I should be able to handle this...
I should home school because that is what is best for children...(really?  is it what's best for my child?)
It shouldn't bother me so much to have little kids under my feet all day...
shouldn't get so overwhelmed by the noise and mess that surrounds me with the constancy of each sunrise...

The joy is in the journey, not the destination according to Chris Thurman.  But what if I'm not enjoying this season of my journey in motherhood. [gasp]  I'm worn out, exhausted from transition and it's not over yet.  We still don't have a church home.  The details of Will's job aren't finalized.  All of my planning and preparation to home school may be ripped out from under me because of my exhaustion and need for more rest.

Then there's the last question.  Are we, is God, done adding children to our family? 
I'm not getting younger.  My preference has always been to be finished with our child bearing by 35 but I can't pretend to know the plans God has for me.  I can only trust that they are good.  It could be the loss talking, but I feel incomplete.  We had dreamed of four, thought that was going to come true and then we saw it with our own heart beat where one had been just a week before.

I feel like I'm falling Lord, hold me up.  Comfort me and make me glad, even in this anxious time.

12.5.12 - Mommying this week...

Monday - I attended "Mommy Club" where we discussed Spiritual Training of children.

Tuesday - I've been more intentional about reading and playing times with the twins.  They love Dr. Seuss books and reading sessions last 10-15 minutes before Eden is off doing something else and Sebastian wants to follow.

Wednesday - The babies and I met a friend to walk around the neighborhood near Adriaan's school.  The twins were bundled up like eskimos and enjoyed the outing.  Then, we all attended chapel at school where the Pre-K class recited Psalm 23!

After we got home and ate lunch the babies went to nap and I played games with Adriaan before Quiet Rest Time.  I am realizing that it's the only time I can do it.  The babies are asleep and I'm on my way to bed, eyelids barely open, but taking 10 minutes to play a game with him really fills up his tank and helps him to play independently while I rest.

Thursday - The babies and I went to the Sustainable Food Center, always a fun outing.  There is a fountain and an elevator as well as a wall of seed packets that look so beautiful and each one makes a wonderful sound when shaken.  I was trying to find organic squash seeds to get started after the holidays, but sadly they only had conventionally grown seed available.  Perhaps in a few more weeks.

Friday - MOPS day!  Then I was worn out and took a nap.  I spent most of the MOPS time on the phone arguing with the surgery scheduler about Seb's upcoming surgery.  I was trying to convince her that a mid-day appointment was rediculous for a two year old who would be expected to fast from everything including water until the surgery time!  After four separate calls there was magically an opening on December 29th at 8am.  Why we weren't given that time in the beginning, I have no idea!

That evening Mimi came into town for The City School Christmas Program called Lessons and Carols.  The K and Pre-K classes sang "Away in a manger" and it was adorable.


Adriaan's first semester at City School is over.  He'll be skipping next week while Will and I travel to Orlando for the company Christmas party.  I've noticed wonderful improvements in many academic areas like writing and drawing.  I've seen significant increases in confidence in front of people, at the recitation and the christmas program.  He was up in front of a couple hundred people and didn't cry!  It's been a year and a half since the attempted piano recital where he crumpled and wasn't able to play, which was fine because we wanted to give him a chance.  He wasn't ready then, but he's matured and was brave.  He did very well along side his classmates!

If you ask him, he'll tell you that his favorite part of school is recess.  Our little extrovert.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Surgery for Seb

Sebastian was born with a little growth on the bottom of his right foot, specifically on the heel.  We monitored it with our pediatrician and around 15-18 months it seemed to start bothering Seb.  We were referred to a pediatric surgeon and scheduled a date to remove the growth.  Just in time!  Seb was so bothered by the bump that he reverted to crawling, he refused to walk on his foot.  Crawling didn't allow him to keep up with Eden and he was quite unhappy about missing out on fun.

Blowing kisses before first surgery in June 2011
By August, the growth was back and by October it was bigger than before the surgery.  So, we went back to the pediatric surgeon.  His suggestion was to see a pediatric dermatologist in case there was a non-surgical option.  There isn't.  So, we went to a pediatric plastic surgeon who ordered an MRI.

Seb biked into the MRI room and did well with anesthesia.
Waking up wasn't as fun.  He has a really hard time.
So, surgery with the pediatric plastic surgeon is scheduled for 29 Dec at 8am at Dell Children's Hospital.  This surgery is much more invasive.  It'll involve a skin graft and Seb will be fully sedated for over two hours.

Many prayers have been answered so far, we're trusting God to continue to take care of our Sebbie.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Adriaan and I attended the Nutcracker Ballet this afternoon, here is what I can remember from our conversation on the way home:

Me:  Ado, what did you think?
Ado:  Well, ya know mama, it wasn't as fun as playing basketball.  Did you know it wouldn't be as fun as playing basketball?  It was just a little bit boring.
Me:  Did you enjoy it even though it was a little bit boring?
Ado:  Hmm, no.  Not really.
Me:  What was your favorite part of going to the Ballet?
Ado:  Oh, it was getting to go to the water fountain!  And also, getting to see the little toy Nutcracker things that were too expensive for us to buy but nice to look know the ones with the moving mouths to crack nuts!


I would eventually like to post pictures here from our Sinterklaas 2011 celebration. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One, Two...Skip a Month - I want to be a tree?

November was eaten by worry and stress.  I'm not sure that I did much note worthy mothering a part from the big stuff like feeding, cleaning, clothing and hugging.

In the garden we started a strawberry patch as well as an asparagus bed.  Will has informed me that I'm not allowed to bring home anything else that will require his involvement in the garden.  Seems fair.  He's been very lenient with me and the garden as my place of refuge and soul care.  I'm content with where things are at and will continue to do my best to maintain it and keep things growing out there that will end up on our dinner plates.

We visited a new church on a Sunday where our own took the week off for a Thanksgiving Potluck.  To my core, I enjoyed the service.  I started crying during the second set, the first song was How Great Thou Art, because it was the first time I had connected to God through worship since our loss.  I thought about how those I love who are now in heaven are singing these kinds of songs in worship and enveloped by his presence continually.  I kept crying throughout the set and even after church was over.  People walked past us, leaving the meeting space, and I was still quietly sobbing.  When we went to fetch our kids, the workers were walking them out to us because it had been so long. Oops.

The teaching that morning covered Psalm 95 as part of their "Look Up" series in going through the Psalms:

The following week, Will was out of town so I went back to the church we had visited.  The main pastor offered a summary of the series "Looking up" and I felt lost and disappointed.  He kept saying things that I wished he'd explain further but in a summary teaching it was appropriate to just reference a previous sermon.  So, I decided to go back and listen to the series online starting at the beginning, his talk on the first Psalm.

Psalm 1:  Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.  Not so the wicked!  They are like chaff that the wind blows away.  Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.  For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

We're told what not to do.
We're told what to do.
We're told that we'll be like a tree planted by a stream, healthy and bearing fruit without withered leaves.
We'll be a "Psalm 1 Tree"

This phrase, Psalm 1 Tree, is one that fit the need I've had to describe my desire to grow in godliness.  "Woman of God" didn't quite describe it, too cliche.  A Psalm 1 Tree has deep roots.  It won't be easily toppled over by the strong winds of life that will ultimately come and ruffle it's branches.  To me a Psalm 1 Tree is a solid tree, like a live oak.  Slow growing but long lasting, stable and unbending.  It provides shade for the saplings growing nearby (my children) and an example to follow with arms outstretched upward in worship at all times.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We celebrated all the kids' birthdays today with a small group of family and good home cooking!  I made beef stew seasoned with thyme from the garden, served over mashed potatoes with rosemary from the garden.  We had green beans (from the store) and broccoli greens from the garden.

I made the little shirts they're wearing and may make it a tradition for as long as they are willing to wear a shirt with their new age.  It's a pretty exciting thing, so I'm hoping to get a few years out of it.  I didn't buy anything special, it's all re-claimed.  I printed out the numbers to use as a pattern and then cut up old t-shirts in two colors, one slightly larger than the other.  Then, I pinned it to the shirt and did my best to neatly sew around the number.  I also made the tutu Eden is wearing, not visible in this picture.

After the party, Adriaan and friends along with their dads went on a camping trip.  They had a wonderful time!

Back in October, on the actual day of the twins' b-days we went to Mueller lake park as a family to celebrate.  We played, ate a picnic and Adriaan who had just learned to ride his bike sans training wheels had space to bike around.  The twins and I followed, trying to keep up but getting distracted by ducks, geese and other kids doing fun things.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why even bother...

I cleaned the tubs, as well as the rest of the house in preparation for family coming into town for the big birthday party.  But, then the kids took a bath and I wonder why I even bother...

Monday, October 31, 2011


I took time off in October to rest and mourn but couldn't sit still, so I decided to make dino-tails for the kids to wear trick or treating.  They were a hit with a few people and I ended up selling over a dozen more and I was happy for the project to keep me busy.

Trick or Treating
Happy Halloween

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekly Planning Meeting

Sometime in the last year or so Will and I started having a weekly planning session on Sunday evenings.  We go day by day and discuss the regular things that happen as well as any other special things planned.  These meetings have been so helpful and alleviate stress caused by frantic realizations that we're double-booked.  It's also necessary now that there are five people and generally, four different schedules to accommodate.

About a year ago, we added a new component to our weekly planning.  We have assigned a cleaning chore to each day of the week.  For example, on Mondays the bathrooms are cleaned and on Wednesdays I don't clean anything because that's grocery day and that's enough for one day.

We've started something new this week, thanks to another suggestion from Ellen and her time with another mom who has several kids and stays organized.  She and her husband also have a weekly planning time but during that time they discuss what particular thing they'll focus on with each child...and possibly themselves.  So, this week the "thing" we're working on is making sure that the kitchen is clean before bed.

Hmm.  Will went to bed an hour ago and I'm about to fall in bed myself.  And, well...the kitchen isn't clean.
How about we start tomorrow.


Will had to leave soon after dinner on Tuesday and I was really quite exhausted but with Adriaan's help we managed to get the kitchen looking acceptable.

Last night, I cleaned up while we were waiting for Will to put the finishing touches on dinner.  We ate later than usual because Michele joined us after taking Ado to soccer practice.  The twins were already in bed asleep and dinner was peaceful, so nice.  There wasn't much to do after dinner but rinse plates, put them in the dishwasher and start it up.  There really is a secret clean as you cook.  Or, to have dinner ready and waiting while you clean up and then serve the food.  We lack the self discipline and motivation to clean a messy kitchen after our bellies are full and happy.  I would be more motivated to clean if I knew that as soon as it was done, I could eat!

Uh, today is Friday and I think we've done a pretty good job this week.  It seems like one of us has to be in charge of getting the kids ready for bed and the other can clean the kitchen.  The days of team work (as in doing things together) seem to be on hold.  I'm much faster at kitchen cleaning so it tends to be me in the the kitchen and Will with the kids.

10.24.11 -- I did well this week at...

Monday:  This morning was Mom's Club at Redeemer Prez.  We discussed Dobson's book "Bringing Up Girls."  The children got to play with friends.
Adriaan came with me to Hobby Lobby to purchase fabric and supplies to fill an order for Dino-Tails!  I'm so looking forward to this little job I have for the next few weeks.  Perhaps another batch of orders will come in and keep me busy until Christmas.  We've been discussing home school expenses and could use a source of income to cover the curriculum fees.

Tuesday:  The twins had their 2 year well check!  Eden is 20th in weight, 25th in height.  Sebastian is 50th in height and 75th in weight.  He jumped from the 50th to 75th in weight which caused concern for the doctor.  Seb also has a large belly that gets hard from time to time and he has a smaller appetite than Eden.  So, we had to go for an ultrasound just to make sure all was well.
After the ultrasound Seb and I had our first Sebbie-Mama date at starbucks.  He drank milk and ate graham crackers and I had a chai tea latte.  We had a nice time together, just the two of us.  He was absorbed in his excitement over cars, trucks, buses and planes all visible from our outside table near an intersection.  We didn't have much of a conversation.  He was mostly yelling, "hi bus!" and "bye bye bus!"  The same comments were made loudly toward cars, trucks and planes.
We went out to eat to celebrate selling the Explorer.

Wednesday:  My desire was to combine something I needed to do, grocery shopping, with something that would be fun for the twins, playing at a park.  So, we went to central market.  After buying our groceries we spent 30ish minutes on the play ground.  I talked with another mom who I've seen at different story times and we realized that she lives on our block and has a little girl Adriaan's age.  In fact, her daughter, Nora, goes to school with Jette (our over the fence neighbor).  Nora also has a little brother who is 19 months old.
I'm thrilled to find another family in the hood with kids the same ages as ours!
I got to spend a good bit of time in the garden and the twins helped.  We were spreading the composted horse manure around the newly dug beds to prepare for sheet mulching.  I used a large shovel and wheel barrow but even with their tiny shovel and easter egg they were able to move a bit of compost here and there!

Thursday:  Rough day on the trying to be a good mom front.  The babies spent a good amount of time in the toy room.  Another wave of grief hit me and I didn't want to be anyone's mama.  At the end of the day, everyone was alive, had been fed and were kept clean.

Friday:  So, to attempt to make up for a dismal failure yesterday I got out of the house with the babies.  After breakfast, I started dinner in the crock pot and we got out of the house.  We went to the arboretum to play on the cows and then met friends at the North Village story time.  It was our first time at that story time and probably my favorite.  The librarian does a great job, it's energetic and not too crowded.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Native Wild Flower Meadow

I attended a free class at the Natural Gardener this past weekend and learned a good bit about how to create a wild flower meadow.  We don't have gobs of open land needing to be cultivated, but a small space in the back yard bursting with color each Spring would be glorious!  In my day dreams, we have an amazing bluebonnet patch and can take pictures of our kids in our own yard instead of finding some safe place near a highway.  It really is an odd tradition to photograph our children in weeds, but bluebonnets are incredible!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10.17.11 -- I did well this week at...

Ellen told me about what she learned from the Redeemer Mommy Time this week (I missed it because of the accident).  The focus of the discussion was "Mommy Guilt" and one take-away from the time was to take a minute at the end of each day to recall what you did well/right.  I often feel constantly busy but as if I'm accomplishing nothing and I can easily feel like I'm not doing enough.  I can feel that even the little I manage to accomplish isn't done well enough.  So, I thought I'd give this idea a test run to see how it could be a source of encouragement.

Monday:  I helped Adriaan start a Quiet Time Journal now that he's interested and willing to write and draw pictures.  We read a page in a children's bible and pick out one sentence for him to copy in his journal.  Sometimes he'll draw a picture too.  He's been asking for homework and to do home school even though he goes to City School.
After dinner, we had a pine cone painting party.  The cones came from Houston and after painting them I made a festive fall swag for the front door.  Every time that Seb sees it, he says his new favorite word "Wow!"

Tuesday:  We had play time with fun friends, Heidi and Tirzah.  First we played in her backyard in the little houses and on the swing set.  Then, we went to hobby lobby and to the library.  There was no story time so we had our own time in the children's literature section.  They have a great selection of board books and the babies were thrilled at not having to share my lap.  Eden carried a book over to Heidi and just sat on her lap, claiming the spot.
Before dinner we spent an hour outside as a family, playing together and working.  I finally fertilized the tomato and pepper plants with Flower Power and Will hung the chicken's scratch canister.  Will also took the training wheels off of Adriaan's bike and thanks to the balance bike Ado took his first bike ride on two wheels!  Later, Ado told me "I might get up before 7:00 tomorrow morning to practice on my bike!"

Wednesday:  I got the babies involved in helping load the dishwasher after breakfast.  They enjoyed getting to place silverware and bowls in the washer.  I would assign groups of silverware or individual bowls so they would be less likely to compete over an opportunity to place something.  Then, I stopped what I was doing and read books with them after Seb patted me on the leg and asked "books, books?"
I brought the little table and chairs into the kitchen to give the babies a place to sit to eat/drink and be near me while I'm working on cooking/cleaning.
Before bed, I got out a picnic mat and the lacing toys and played with the kids.  The rule is that the special toy isn't allowed off of the mat.  I'm hoping that this will limit mess and loss of toys.  I've had homeschooling on the brain and I'm eager to home school again next year.  I think a little special toy on the picnic mat training will be very helpful next year.

Thursday:  It was a low energy day, but I finally started another "school" book with the babies.  We're following the suggested reading list in Before Five In A Row (BFIAR).  We'll repeat it again next year but spend more time on the academic disciplines as we read each book.  For now, it's just simply reading the same book each day for a week or two.  This week our book is "The Big Red Barn" and the library happened to have two copies!  They enjoy pointing out animals and saying the sounds each one makes.
In the late afternoon we all went over the fence to play and hang out with Suzy, Jette and Zoe.

Friday:  Today we all went to the pumpkin patch in Elgin.  We met friends there (3 moms and 8 children), quite the gaggle.  Swinging seemed to be the favorite activity but the hayride, crazy maze and duck races were a lot of fun as well.  I think I may have managed to snap a few "good" pictures.  The secret, I've learned, is not trying to get a nice picture of all three.  Get good ones of each individually - that's the best way!

Saturday:  So, we started out rough when someone knocked on my door at 6:45am.  We're not sure *who* it was since Adriaan has no recollection of knocking.  Since it woke me up, I'm pretty sure that I wasn't dreaming.  I was dreaming one of those dreams that I didn't want to end.  In the dream I was holding someone I love so very much and whom I never had a chance to meet.  I saw big blue eyes and light brown hair, darker than the rest of the kids.  I'm not sure if I was looking at a boy or a girl but the eye shape and big cheeks were familiar, they looked just like the other three.  It was heartbreaking and I stayed in bed for a while just to settle all the emotion.
Will arranged for people to care for the children so that I could attend a class on Wildflower Meadows at the Natural Gardener.  It sounded like Adriaan had a great time with Michele at his soccer game.  He even managed to sweet-talk her into a trip to McD's!  The babies got to play at the Rees' and when I arrived to pick them up Seb was in the swing and super happy.  He was bummed to leave and cried the whole way home.  Eden kept trying to fall asleep on the drive home so I'm assuming she had a great time running around!
Adriaan played with Jette all afternoon.  They're such great friends.
After the babies woke from their nap we all went over the fence and watched spiderman cartoons, played on the drum set and ran around the back yard!
Today was a good day for the kids because they got to spend time with friends and I was able to do something I enjoy, the class on wildflowers, which was refreshing.

Sunday:  Happy Birthday Sebastin!  Happy Birthday Eden!
We celebrated with a picnic dinner at Mueller Lake Park.  After an hour of playing on the play ground we had dinner, juice boxes (a very special treat) and chocolate cake!!!  Adriaan enjoyed the open spaces to ride his bike.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Swing Set

Will processed though recent events by getting outside and working with his hands...

Monday, October 3, 2011

He Makes No Mistakes

He Makes No Mistakes!

My Father’s way may twist and turn,
my heart may throb and ache.
But in my soul I’m glad I know,
that He makes no mistake.
My cherished plans may go astray,
my hopes may fade away,
but still I’ll trust my Lord to lead,
for He does know the way.
Though night be dark and it may seem
that day will never break;
I’ll pin my faith, my all on Him,
for He makes no mistake.
There is so much I cannot see,
my eyesight’s far too dim
but come what may, I’ll simply trust
and leave it all to Him.
For by and by the fog will lift
and all things plain He’ll make.
Through all the way, though dark to me,
He made not one mistake.
A.M. Overton (1932)
A retired pastor, who lost his beloved wife,
wrote this incredible poem during her funeral service.

Friday, January 14, 2011

MOPS...HI/LOW...10 Years

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) started again today.  The small group I lead has two new members and I'm looking forward to the semester, I've had such a great group this year!

In our small group time we did HI/LOW from the holiday break.  I shared that my high was our 10th anniversary and that my low was slicing my leg open and needing a tetanus shot.

On January 6, 2011, I woke up a been-married for-10-years-woman!

Will played music from our wedding reception by Fleming and John and then throughout the day he gave me 10 gifts from flowers to a vacation we're planning early next fall.  We went to dinner at Carmelos and had a wonderfully peaceful evening and enjoyed delicious food.  Carmelos is the same restaurant Will took me 10.5 years ago on the night he proposed.

Today at MOPS we discussed love languages in our small group and how some of us have experienced a change in how we recieve love since having children.  I was not the only one who has shifted towards Words of Affirmation as my main love language and how I prefer Will to communicate/show love to me.

In celebration of our 10th year of marriage, Will is writing me lots of notes and I am enjoying it A LOT.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It Pays To Be Green

Recently, I came across a blog written by a former college friend Stephanie Logerot.
She writes a food blog for a local company called Greenling which is a produce delivery company.  They bring organic, locally grown and seasonal produce to your door!  Stephanie's blog is great because she posts a menu and recipes each week based on what will be delivered in your Greenling box.

We tried something like this a couple of years ago but had to pick up our veggies from a farmers market.  My intention was to stretch myself as a cook and learn to incorporate what I was given in my bag of goodies.  Unfortunatly, the twin pregnancy left me with absolutely no desire to prepare food.  I didn't want to be in the kitchen to see it being prepped or smell it cooking!  Will was unexpectedly pushed into the roles of chief cook and bottle washer.  He wasn't prepared or interested in taking the additional task of figuring out what to do with the strange things that often appeared in our produce bag.  Sadly, a lot of great produce went to waste because we couldn't use it all or didn't know what to do with it because it seemed unpalatable. 

It's been almost two years now and that desire to grow in my cooking skills and to incorporate locally grown, organic and seasonal food into our meals is popping up again!  I have been actively working on my cooking skills and enrolled in a self-pace cooking school called "check out books and videos from the library!"

Anyway, back to Stephanie's blog...
I was clicking around on the Greenling site and noticed the "Specials and Discounts" section.   I participated in one of the offers and now with my discount I can't wait to order my first Greenling Box!

I submitted a comment listing some of the things we do in our house to be more green:
Here is a list of things we do to be green in our house:
homemade natural cleaning products
homemade natural laundry soap
homemade dishwasher detergent
homemade natural cloth diaper laundry “soap”
we use cloth diapers our twins
we hang the cloth diapers on a line to dry
homemade natural eczema remedy for 4 year old
homemade natural diaper rash ointment for 1 year old twins
we purchase raw milk from a local farmer
we purchase grass fed beef from a local farmer
we purchase bulk honey from a local source
we are members at wheatsville coop in order to buy more local goods
we have a compost pile
we have a worm bin for vermicompost
we use reusable grocery bags
we recycle everything possible, even items that require us to make a special trip downtown to the recycling center
when we purchased a new washer/dryer set last year, water efficiency was at the top of our priority list
we use energy efficient light bulbs
we re-purpose small cardboard boxes as drawer organizers
we drive the fuel efficient car (scion) as often as possible, even on trips to houston and love it that three car seats fit just fine in the back seat.
plans for this year:
homemade natural hand soap
homemade natural dish soap
homemade natural shampoo bars
homemade natural hair products like conditioner
all of the ingredients i use in my homemade body care products are purchased locally.
there may be a few other things but this seems like a good starter list.

In case you're interested, here is the original post and you too could earn a discount!

When you set up your account, please use the friend referral program so we can both earn 10% off!!!
Here is the coupon code to enter: JENLAF6506

It pays to be GREEN!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Is today when you give your hair to a little girl?"

At my last hair cut, six months ago, I was ready to chop it all off and donate it to Locks of Love.  Sadly, I only had 8 inches and needed at least 10 inches.  So, I got a trim and decided to stick it out because I had come so close to the required length.  For my birthday, several friends contributed to a gift card at Bradz Salon and that's where I went today for a major hair cut!  I could have taken off 12 inches but chose to keep as much length as possible.  It feels great to have short hair again!!!

I gave the stylist a lot of freedom to do what she thought would look best.  I did give her two very important parameters to work within:
1.  I am a low maintenence girl and am not willing to use any kind of heat to style my hair.
2.  I will not come back in the recommended 8 week time frame for my next hair cut, so please do something that will grow out and look okay for the next 4-6 months.

She was great and I'm happy with the result!
If you're looking for a stylist in Austin, I recommend Amanda at Bradz on 35th street.

I seriously considered allowing Amanda to submit my hair to Locks of Love for me when she offered to do so, but then I remembered how excited Adriaan has been about giving my hair to help a little girl who is sick.  That will be a good project for tomorrow...or in a few weeks when we put up our "path to valentines day, what is real love anyway!?" 

I haven't reached my new year's resolution fitness goals but I do think it's fun to say that I lost 10 inches in one day.

Bible "Rap"

I'm thrilled that my kids have Will as their daddy.  He loves God, he loves their mama and he loves them.

I enjoy watching Will change the twins diapers because he takes advantage of an often unpleasant task to connect with Eden and Sebastian.  He has created special games and there are inside jokes between the three of them that get the babies rolling with giggles.  Will and Adriaan have always been close.  It started way back when Ado was on the changing table every few hours and the two of them also shared "special games."

As part of our new schedule this year, we have inserted a daily "family bible time" at the end of lunch.  We read something from one of the children's bibles, discuss it and pray together.  

Today Will read from the Rhyme Bible Storybook, a gift from Michele at the twin's 1st birthday party.  Will put on a gangsta rap performance of the passover story!  Here are a few pictures:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Adorable "Helpers" Part 2

Plan your work and then work your plan.
That's my new year's resolution and we're on day two, so far so GREAT!

I spent several hours last week working on a master list of everything that needs to happen to manage our household.  Then, I broke everything down into daily, weekly, monthly and semi-annually tasks.  Next, I created a schedule for everyone in the family.  I now know what chores need to happen each day which frees me up to ignore tomorrow's list of chores.  I am also able to keep track of what I choose to let go of and can plan a time to catch up.

So far, the best part of this plan has been the instances where I can choose to connect with my kids and not feel overwhelmed by the stuff I'm ignoring!  For example, yesterday I needed to clean up after lunch and switch out laundry.  I was able to quickly mentally redistribute those chores to a later time in order to take advantage of a fun backyard play time with the kids!!!

I am better able to keep my priorities in order.  I start the day with exercise and the Bible and end the day with down time alone followed by a scheduled hour to hang out with Will.  I was really hoping to work in more time for each of those things and with this new plan that should work out!

One new aspect of the new plan is to involve Adriaan in the household chores.  He has a chore chart and of course he enjoys getting to help and also getting to  keep track of his progress with fun magnets.  His responsibilities include the following:  wake up dry, get dressed, help dad unload the dishwasher and start a load of laundry, put away his folded clothes, wipe the table and high chairs after dinner, put on pj's and brush his teeth.


We did school in the kitchen today and made one of Ado's favorites, Peanut Butter Crunchies.  This is an adapted recipe from the famous Hagen Cookbook "Peanut Butter Granola."

Here is my adapted recipe:
15 cups freshly rolled Oat, Rye and Barley flakes
1/8 cup flax seed oil
1/8 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup peanut oil
1 stick butter
1/2 cup honey (local if possible to help with allergies)
16 oz jar of natural peanut butter (Laura Scudders is our favorite)
1 tsp vanilla

Combine everything but flakes in a pot over low heat, until melted.  Gently stir in flakes.
Bake at 350 on cookie sheets for 10 minutes, watch closely because it will burn easily.
Store in air tight containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

rolling oats for fresh "PB Crunchies,"

 It's not officially a "chore" to move the clothes from the hamper to the garage door but it's something Ado enjoys doing because he uses his trolly or dump truck.  I usually ask him to do this task when he's got energy to burn and it keeps him entertained for a good while.  He is such an adorable helper!!!

this is what it looks like when the babies help with laundry
As Ado puts it, "they don't really help because they just make
a really big disaster."  I tend to agree, but they're cute doing it!
Hanging out on big brother's bed is a favorite for the twins. 
They like to read books on his bed, it's really sweet.

Homeopathic Remedies

Adriaan has suffered with eczema since he was a little baby and we never have much success with expensive lotions or prescription ointments.  This year I decided to research homeopathic remedies and came upon a recipe for homemade eczema lotion.  It contains shea butter, vitamin E and sea buckthorn oil which supposed to be a miracle ingredient for skin irritations including eczema.

I made the lotion two weeks ago and have applied it to Ado at least every other day and so far he hasn't had a break out!  Winter is the worst time of year for his eczema, it corresponds with cedar season.  We're all sneezing and feeling stuffy but at least Ado's skin isn't headed down the very sad path of itchy, cracking and bleeding.  His skin looks awesome!

Sea buckthorn oil is orange and stains a bit so I have to make sure the oil is absorbed before Ado gets dressed.  It's so orange that he looks smothered in fake tanning lotion" until I can completely massage it into his skin.  Too funny!  I'll try to take a picture sometime, but that will be difficult considering that when he looks all "tan" my hands will covered in the stuff and I won't want to touch my camera!


Because this homemade remedy has been so successful thus far, I've decided to stop using the prescription ointment for Eden's skin irritation.  She and Seb have always had sensitive skin in the diaper area.  Just today I whipped up a batch of a homemade remedy for diaper rash consisting of shea butter and coconut oil.  I added a few drops of tea tree oil for additional anti-microbial properties.  I'm expecting an ointment made of comfrey oil to come in the mail which I'll use in rotation with my homemade stuff.

I enjoy doing stuff myself.  I know where the ingredients came from, I like that!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Guess Who's Walking

Plan your work and then work your plan.
That's my new year's resolution and we're on day two, so far so GREAT!

I spent several hours last week working on a master list of everything that needs to happen to manage our household.  Then, I broke everything down into daily, weekly, monthly and semi-annually tasks.  Next, I created a schedule for everyone in the family.  I now know what chores need to happen each day which frees me up to ignore tomorrow's list of chores.  I am also able to keep track of what I choose to let go of and can plan a time to catch up.

So far, the best part of this plan has been the instances where I can choose to connect with my kids and not feel overwhelmed by the stuff I'm ignoring!  For example, yesterday I needed to clean up after lunch and switch out laundry.  I was able to quickly mentally redistribute those chores to a later time in order to take advantage of a fun backyard play time with the kids!!!

I am better able to keep my priorities in order.  I start the day with exercise and the Bible and end the day with down time alone followed by a scheduled hour to hang out with Will.  I was really hoping to work in more time for each of those things and with this new plan that should work out!

One new aspect of the new plan is to involve Adriaan in the household chores.  He has a chore chart and of course he enjoys getting to help and also getting to  keep track of his progress with fun magnets.  His responsibilities include the following:  wake up dry, get dressed, help dad unload the dishwasher and start a load of laundry, put away his folded clothes, wipe the table and high chairs after dinner, put on pj's and brush his teeth.


We did school in the kitchen today and made one of Ado's favorites, Peanut Butter Crunchies.  This is an adapted recipe from the famous Hagen Cookbook "Peanut Butter Granola."

Here is my adapted recipe:
15 cups freshly rolled Oat, Rye and Barley flakes
1/8 cup flax seed oil
1/8 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup peanut oil
1 stick butter
1/2 cup honey (local if possible to help with allergies)
16 oz jar of natural peanut butter (Laura Scudders is our favorite)
1 tsp vanilla

Combine everything but flakes in a pot over low heat, until melted.  Gently stir in flakes.
Bake at 350 on cookie sheets for 10 minutes, watch closely because it will burn easily.
Store in air tight containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

rolling oats for fresh "PB Crunchies,"

 It's not officially a "chore" to move the clothes from the hamper to the garage door but it's something Ado enjoys doing because he uses his trolly or dump truck.  I usually ask him to do this task when he's got energy to burn and it keeps him entertained for a good while.  He is such an adorable helper!!!

this is what it looks like when the babies help with laundry
As Ado puts it, "they don't really help because they just make
a really big disaster."  I tend to agree, but they're cute doing it!
Hanging out on big brother's bed is a favorite for the twins. 
They like to read books on his bed, it's really sweet.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I'm so thankful for my friend Linda who turned me on to Daily Audio Bible.  I just listened to today's scriptures from Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs and Matthew.  I'm excited to hear the entire Bible read to me this year!!!

I've learned that it's easier for me to listen to the Bible being read to me as I get ready in the morning than it is to focus my tired eyes on print.  The Daily Audio Bible works for me and it always feels good to find something that works.


A couple of months ago Will led us into a great morning routine where he gives me from 7-8am to get ready and spend time with God.  We are still working ourselves into the plan because on some glorious mornings the kids sleep in...and so do we!  The plan is that during that 7-8am time frame Will feeds the kids breakfast, unloads the dishwasher (Ado does the silverware) and Will oversees Adriaan loading the washing machine and they start a load of laundry for me to finish later in the afternoon.

I have noticed a huge difference in my level of encouragement throughout the day when I am able to start the day with God.  Not surprising, I know.  I notice a marked difference on the days when I skip this time and that motivates me to be faithful and consistent.  I want to be the kind of mom for my kids that I could only possibly be with God's help.