Monday, October 24, 2011

10.24.11 -- I did well this week at...

Monday:  This morning was Mom's Club at Redeemer Prez.  We discussed Dobson's book "Bringing Up Girls."  The children got to play with friends.
Adriaan came with me to Hobby Lobby to purchase fabric and supplies to fill an order for Dino-Tails!  I'm so looking forward to this little job I have for the next few weeks.  Perhaps another batch of orders will come in and keep me busy until Christmas.  We've been discussing home school expenses and could use a source of income to cover the curriculum fees.

Tuesday:  The twins had their 2 year well check!  Eden is 20th in weight, 25th in height.  Sebastian is 50th in height and 75th in weight.  He jumped from the 50th to 75th in weight which caused concern for the doctor.  Seb also has a large belly that gets hard from time to time and he has a smaller appetite than Eden.  So, we had to go for an ultrasound just to make sure all was well.
After the ultrasound Seb and I had our first Sebbie-Mama date at starbucks.  He drank milk and ate graham crackers and I had a chai tea latte.  We had a nice time together, just the two of us.  He was absorbed in his excitement over cars, trucks, buses and planes all visible from our outside table near an intersection.  We didn't have much of a conversation.  He was mostly yelling, "hi bus!" and "bye bye bus!"  The same comments were made loudly toward cars, trucks and planes.
We went out to eat to celebrate selling the Explorer.

Wednesday:  My desire was to combine something I needed to do, grocery shopping, with something that would be fun for the twins, playing at a park.  So, we went to central market.  After buying our groceries we spent 30ish minutes on the play ground.  I talked with another mom who I've seen at different story times and we realized that she lives on our block and has a little girl Adriaan's age.  In fact, her daughter, Nora, goes to school with Jette (our over the fence neighbor).  Nora also has a little brother who is 19 months old.
I'm thrilled to find another family in the hood with kids the same ages as ours!
I got to spend a good bit of time in the garden and the twins helped.  We were spreading the composted horse manure around the newly dug beds to prepare for sheet mulching.  I used a large shovel and wheel barrow but even with their tiny shovel and easter egg they were able to move a bit of compost here and there!

Thursday:  Rough day on the trying to be a good mom front.  The babies spent a good amount of time in the toy room.  Another wave of grief hit me and I didn't want to be anyone's mama.  At the end of the day, everyone was alive, had been fed and were kept clean.

Friday:  So, to attempt to make up for a dismal failure yesterday I got out of the house with the babies.  After breakfast, I started dinner in the crock pot and we got out of the house.  We went to the arboretum to play on the cows and then met friends at the North Village story time.  It was our first time at that story time and probably my favorite.  The librarian does a great job, it's energetic and not too crowded.

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