Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One, Two...Skip a Month - I want to be a tree?

November was eaten by worry and stress.  I'm not sure that I did much note worthy mothering a part from the big stuff like feeding, cleaning, clothing and hugging.

In the garden we started a strawberry patch as well as an asparagus bed.  Will has informed me that I'm not allowed to bring home anything else that will require his involvement in the garden.  Seems fair.  He's been very lenient with me and the garden as my place of refuge and soul care.  I'm content with where things are at and will continue to do my best to maintain it and keep things growing out there that will end up on our dinner plates.

We visited a new church on a Sunday where our own took the week off for a Thanksgiving Potluck.  To my core, I enjoyed the service.  I started crying during the second set, the first song was How Great Thou Art, because it was the first time I had connected to God through worship since our loss.  I thought about how those I love who are now in heaven are singing these kinds of songs in worship and enveloped by his presence continually.  I kept crying throughout the set and even after church was over.  People walked past us, leaving the meeting space, and I was still quietly sobbing.  When we went to fetch our kids, the workers were walking them out to us because it had been so long. Oops.

The teaching that morning covered Psalm 95 as part of their "Look Up" series in going through the Psalms:

The following week, Will was out of town so I went back to the church we had visited.  The main pastor offered a summary of the series "Looking up" and I felt lost and disappointed.  He kept saying things that I wished he'd explain further but in a summary teaching it was appropriate to just reference a previous sermon.  So, I decided to go back and listen to the series online starting at the beginning, his talk on the first Psalm.

Psalm 1:  Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.  Not so the wicked!  They are like chaff that the wind blows away.  Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.  For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

We're told what not to do.
We're told what to do.
We're told that we'll be like a tree planted by a stream, healthy and bearing fruit without withered leaves.
We'll be a "Psalm 1 Tree"

This phrase, Psalm 1 Tree, is one that fit the need I've had to describe my desire to grow in godliness.  "Woman of God" didn't quite describe it, too cliche.  A Psalm 1 Tree has deep roots.  It won't be easily toppled over by the strong winds of life that will ultimately come and ruffle it's branches.  To me a Psalm 1 Tree is a solid tree, like a live oak.  Slow growing but long lasting, stable and unbending.  It provides shade for the saplings growing nearby (my children) and an example to follow with arms outstretched upward in worship at all times.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We celebrated all the kids' birthdays today with a small group of family and good home cooking!  I made beef stew seasoned with thyme from the garden, served over mashed potatoes with rosemary from the garden.  We had green beans (from the store) and broccoli greens from the garden.

I made the little shirts they're wearing and may make it a tradition for as long as they are willing to wear a shirt with their new age.  It's a pretty exciting thing, so I'm hoping to get a few years out of it.  I didn't buy anything special, it's all re-claimed.  I printed out the numbers to use as a pattern and then cut up old t-shirts in two colors, one slightly larger than the other.  Then, I pinned it to the shirt and did my best to neatly sew around the number.  I also made the tutu Eden is wearing, not visible in this picture.

After the party, Adriaan and friends along with their dads went on a camping trip.  They had a wonderful time!

Back in October, on the actual day of the twins' b-days we went to Mueller lake park as a family to celebrate.  We played, ate a picnic and Adriaan who had just learned to ride his bike sans training wheels had space to bike around.  The twins and I followed, trying to keep up but getting distracted by ducks, geese and other kids doing fun things.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why even bother...

I cleaned the tubs, as well as the rest of the house in preparation for family coming into town for the big birthday party.  But, then the kids took a bath and I wonder why I even bother...