Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Homeopathic Remedies

Adriaan has suffered with eczema since he was a little baby and we never have much success with expensive lotions or prescription ointments.  This year I decided to research homeopathic remedies and came upon a recipe for homemade eczema lotion.  It contains shea butter, vitamin E and sea buckthorn oil which supposed to be a miracle ingredient for skin irritations including eczema.

I made the lotion two weeks ago and have applied it to Ado at least every other day and so far he hasn't had a break out!  Winter is the worst time of year for his eczema, it corresponds with cedar season.  We're all sneezing and feeling stuffy but at least Ado's skin isn't headed down the very sad path of itchy, cracking and bleeding.  His skin looks awesome!

Sea buckthorn oil is orange and stains a bit so I have to make sure the oil is absorbed before Ado gets dressed.  It's so orange that he looks smothered in fake tanning lotion" until I can completely massage it into his skin.  Too funny!  I'll try to take a picture sometime, but that will be difficult considering that when he looks all "tan" my hands will covered in the stuff and I won't want to touch my camera!


Because this homemade remedy has been so successful thus far, I've decided to stop using the prescription ointment for Eden's skin irritation.  She and Seb have always had sensitive skin in the diaper area.  Just today I whipped up a batch of a homemade remedy for diaper rash consisting of shea butter and coconut oil.  I added a few drops of tea tree oil for additional anti-microbial properties.  I'm expecting an ointment made of comfrey oil to come in the mail which I'll use in rotation with my homemade stuff.

I enjoy doing stuff myself.  I know where the ingredients came from, I like that!

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