Monday, January 10, 2011

It Pays To Be Green

Recently, I came across a blog written by a former college friend Stephanie Logerot.
She writes a food blog for a local company called Greenling which is a produce delivery company.  They bring organic, locally grown and seasonal produce to your door!  Stephanie's blog is great because she posts a menu and recipes each week based on what will be delivered in your Greenling box.

We tried something like this a couple of years ago but had to pick up our veggies from a farmers market.  My intention was to stretch myself as a cook and learn to incorporate what I was given in my bag of goodies.  Unfortunatly, the twin pregnancy left me with absolutely no desire to prepare food.  I didn't want to be in the kitchen to see it being prepped or smell it cooking!  Will was unexpectedly pushed into the roles of chief cook and bottle washer.  He wasn't prepared or interested in taking the additional task of figuring out what to do with the strange things that often appeared in our produce bag.  Sadly, a lot of great produce went to waste because we couldn't use it all or didn't know what to do with it because it seemed unpalatable. 

It's been almost two years now and that desire to grow in my cooking skills and to incorporate locally grown, organic and seasonal food into our meals is popping up again!  I have been actively working on my cooking skills and enrolled in a self-pace cooking school called "check out books and videos from the library!"

Anyway, back to Stephanie's blog...
I was clicking around on the Greenling site and noticed the "Specials and Discounts" section.   I participated in one of the offers and now with my discount I can't wait to order my first Greenling Box!

I submitted a comment listing some of the things we do in our house to be more green:
Here is a list of things we do to be green in our house:
homemade natural cleaning products
homemade natural laundry soap
homemade dishwasher detergent
homemade natural cloth diaper laundry “soap”
we use cloth diapers our twins
we hang the cloth diapers on a line to dry
homemade natural eczema remedy for 4 year old
homemade natural diaper rash ointment for 1 year old twins
we purchase raw milk from a local farmer
we purchase grass fed beef from a local farmer
we purchase bulk honey from a local source
we are members at wheatsville coop in order to buy more local goods
we have a compost pile
we have a worm bin for vermicompost
we use reusable grocery bags
we recycle everything possible, even items that require us to make a special trip downtown to the recycling center
when we purchased a new washer/dryer set last year, water efficiency was at the top of our priority list
we use energy efficient light bulbs
we re-purpose small cardboard boxes as drawer organizers
we drive the fuel efficient car (scion) as often as possible, even on trips to houston and love it that three car seats fit just fine in the back seat.
plans for this year:
homemade natural hand soap
homemade natural dish soap
homemade natural shampoo bars
homemade natural hair products like conditioner
all of the ingredients i use in my homemade body care products are purchased locally.
there may be a few other things but this seems like a good starter list.

In case you're interested, here is the original post and you too could earn a discount!

When you set up your account, please use the friend referral program so we can both earn 10% off!!!
Here is the coupon code to enter: JENLAF6506

It pays to be GREEN!!!

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