Sunday, December 11, 2011

12.5.12 - Mommying this week...

Monday - I attended "Mommy Club" where we discussed Spiritual Training of children.

Tuesday - I've been more intentional about reading and playing times with the twins.  They love Dr. Seuss books and reading sessions last 10-15 minutes before Eden is off doing something else and Sebastian wants to follow.

Wednesday - The babies and I met a friend to walk around the neighborhood near Adriaan's school.  The twins were bundled up like eskimos and enjoyed the outing.  Then, we all attended chapel at school where the Pre-K class recited Psalm 23!

After we got home and ate lunch the babies went to nap and I played games with Adriaan before Quiet Rest Time.  I am realizing that it's the only time I can do it.  The babies are asleep and I'm on my way to bed, eyelids barely open, but taking 10 minutes to play a game with him really fills up his tank and helps him to play independently while I rest.

Thursday - The babies and I went to the Sustainable Food Center, always a fun outing.  There is a fountain and an elevator as well as a wall of seed packets that look so beautiful and each one makes a wonderful sound when shaken.  I was trying to find organic squash seeds to get started after the holidays, but sadly they only had conventionally grown seed available.  Perhaps in a few more weeks.

Friday - MOPS day!  Then I was worn out and took a nap.  I spent most of the MOPS time on the phone arguing with the surgery scheduler about Seb's upcoming surgery.  I was trying to convince her that a mid-day appointment was rediculous for a two year old who would be expected to fast from everything including water until the surgery time!  After four separate calls there was magically an opening on December 29th at 8am.  Why we weren't given that time in the beginning, I have no idea!

That evening Mimi came into town for The City School Christmas Program called Lessons and Carols.  The K and Pre-K classes sang "Away in a manger" and it was adorable.


Adriaan's first semester at City School is over.  He'll be skipping next week while Will and I travel to Orlando for the company Christmas party.  I've noticed wonderful improvements in many academic areas like writing and drawing.  I've seen significant increases in confidence in front of people, at the recitation and the christmas program.  He was up in front of a couple hundred people and didn't cry!  It's been a year and a half since the attempted piano recital where he crumpled and wasn't able to play, which was fine because we wanted to give him a chance.  He wasn't ready then, but he's matured and was brave.  He did very well along side his classmates!

If you ask him, he'll tell you that his favorite part of school is recess.  Our little extrovert.

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